
Pholiso ea Khatiso ea 3D

U sebakeng se nepahetseng bakeng sa Pholiso ea Khatiso ea 3D.Hajoale u se u ntse u tseba seo, eng kapa eng eo u e batlang, u na le bonnete ba hore u tla e fumana TEYU S&A Chiller.re netefatsa hore e teng mona TEYU S&A Chiller.
TEYU S&A Chiller e entsoe ka mokhoa o ikhethileng. Baqapi ba lihlahisoa tsa rona ba khethile sebopeho mme ba sebelisa masela a macha, mebala e mecha, maqheka a masela le meaho e meng ea ho robala..
Re ikemiselitse ho fana ka boleng bo phahameng ka ho fetisisa Pholiso ea Khatiso ea 3D.bakeng sa bareki ba rona ba nako e telele mme re tla sebelisana ka mafolofolo le bareki ba rona ho fana ka tharollo e sebetsang le melemo ea litšenyehelo.
  • Litharollo tse nepahetseng tsa ho laola mocheso bakeng sa Likhatiso tsa 3D
    Litharollo tse nepahetseng tsa ho laola mocheso bakeng sa Likhatiso tsa 3D
    Taolo e nepahetseng ea mocheso e bohlokoa bakeng sa ho fumana liphetho tse nepahetseng tsa khatiso ea 3D ea indasteri. Li-chiller tsa indasteri li bapala karolo ea bohlokoa ho boloka maemo a mocheso a tsitsitseng ka har'a lisebelisoa tsa khatiso tsa 3D, tse kang SLA, SLS, SLM, le mechine ea DMLS. Ka ho fana ka taolo e nepahetseng ea mocheso, ho felisa mocheso o sebetsang hantle, le ts'ebetso e tšepahalang, li-chiller tsa indasteri li netefatsa tlhahiso ea likarolo tsa boleng bo holimo, li ntlafatsa katleho ea khatiso, le ho lelefatsa nako ea bophelo ea thepa.TEYU S&A Chiller, moetsi ea ka sehloohong oa liindasteri ea chiller ea nang le boiphihlelo ba lilemo tse 22, o fana ka mefuta e mengata ea tharollo ea ho pholisa e etselitsoeng bahatisi ba 3D. Li-chiller tsa rona tsa indasteri li na le matla a ho pholisa ho tloha ho 300W ho isa ho 42kW le ho nepahala ha taolo ea mocheso ho tloha ho 0.08℃ ho ea ho 1℃. Li fana ka pholiso e sebetsang hantle le e tsitsitseng, ts'ebetso e bonolo, ho boloka matla, taolo e bohlale, litlhaloso tse ngata tsa matla a machaba, le ts'ireletso ea alamo, e leng se etsang hore e be tse loketseng litlhoko tsa hau tsa khatiso tsa 3D.
  • Mefuta ea Laser ea UV ho Li-Printer tsa SLA 3D tsa Indasteri le Tlhophiso ea Li-Laser Chillers
    Mefuta ea Laser ea UV ho Li-Printer tsa SLA 3D tsa Indasteri le Tlhophiso ea Li-Laser Chillers
    Li-laser chiller tsa TEYU Chiller Manufacturer li fana ka pholiso e nepahetseng bakeng sa li-laseser tsa 3W-60W UV ho liprinta tsa SLA 3D tsa indasteri, ho netefatsa botsitso ba mocheso. Ka mohlala, CWUL-05 laser chiller e pholisa ka katleho printa ea SLA 3D e nang le 3W solid-state laser (355 nm). Haeba o batla li-chillers tsa li-printer tsa SLA 3D tsa indasteri, pls ikutloe u lokolohile ho ikopanya le rona.
  • TEYU Fiber Laser Chillers e netefatsa botsitso le katleho ea li-Printer tsa SLM le SLS 3D.
    TEYU Fiber Laser Chillers e netefatsa botsitso le katleho ea li-Printer tsa SLM le SLS 3D.
    Haeba tlhahiso ea setso e shebana le ho tlosoa ha thepa ho bopa ntho, tlhahiso ea tlatsetso e fetola ts'ebetso ka ho eketsa. Ak'u inahanele u haha ​​mohaho o nang le litene, moo lisebelisoa tse entsoeng ka phofo tse kang tšepe, polasetiki kapa ceramic li sebelisoang e le lisebelisoa tse tala. Ntho e entsoe ka bokhabane ka lera, ka laser e sebetsang e le mohloli o matla oa mocheso o nepahetseng. Laser ena e qhibilihisa le ho kopanya lisebelisoa hammoho, ho etsa meaho e rarahaneng ea 3D ka ho nepahala le matla a ikhethang.TEYUFiber laser chillers e bapala karolo ea bohlokoa ho netefatsa botsitso le katleho ea lisebelisoa tsa tlhahiso ea laser, joalo ka liprinta tsa Selective Laser Melting (SLM) le Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) 3D. Li na le mekhoa e tsoetseng pele ea ho pholisa ea li-circuit tse peli, li-chillers tsena tsa metsi li thibela ho futhumala ho feteletseng le ho netefatsa ts'ebetso e tsitsitseng ea laser, e leng bohlokoa bakeng sa ho boloka boleng ba khatiso ea 3D.
  • Mefuta e Tloaelehileng ea Li-Printer tsa 3D le Likopo tsa tsona tsa Metsi a Chiller
    Mefuta e Tloaelehileng ea Li-Printer tsa 3D le Likopo tsa tsona tsa Metsi a Chiller
    Likhatiso tsa 3D li ka hlophisoa ka mefuta e fapaneng ho latela mahlale a fapaneng le thepa. Mofuta o mong le o mong oa khatiso oa 3D o na le litlhoko tse itseng tsa taolo ea mocheso, 'me ka hona ts'ebeliso ea li-chillers tsa metsi lia fapana. Ka tlase ke mefuta e tloaelehileng ea bahatisi ba 3D le hore na li-chiller tsa metsi li sebelisoa joang le bona.
  • Phetoho e Ncha ea Meriana ea Meno ea Dijithale: Ho kopanngoa ha 3D Laser Printing le Technology
    Phetoho e Ncha ea Meriana ea Meno ea Dijithale: Ho kopanngoa ha 3D Laser Printing le Technology
    Ha theknoloji ea meno e kopana le theknoloji e ncha, theknoloji ea khatiso ea 3D e etsa hore e sebetse hantle le ho ba bonolo, ho e etsa ka nepo, ho baballe litšenyehelo, e baballe tikoloho, e be e hloekileng, le ho khomarela ka nepo. Li-chiller tsa laser li sebetsa ho senya mocheso o hlahisoang ke laser, ho netefatsa botsitso ba mocheso nakong eohle ea khatiso le ho netefatsa ho nepahala le boleng ba khatiso ea meno a maiketsetso.
  • Ho joang TEYU S&A Fiber Laser Chiller CWFL-1000 Pholisa Sehatisi sa SLM 3D sa Indasteri?
    Ho joang TEYU S&A Fiber Laser Chiller CWFL-1000 Pholisa Sehatisi sa SLM 3D sa Indasteri?
    Selective Laser Melting (SLM) ke mokhoa oa khatiso oa 3D o sebelisang laser ea matla a phahameng ho qhibilihisa ka botlalo le ho kopanya phofo ea tšepe, lera ka lera, hore e be ntho e tiileng. E atisa ho sebelisoa bakeng sa ho theha likarolo tsa tšepe tse rarahaneng, tse matla haholo liindastering tse kang sefofane, likoloi le tsa bongaka.A laser chiller e bohlokoa lits'ebetsong tsa SLM ho laola mocheso oa laser, ho netefatsa ts'ebetso e tsitsitseng le ho thibela ho chesa haholo. Ka ho boloka mocheso o nepahetseng oa laser, laser chiller e ntlafatsa ho nepahala, e lelefatsa bophelo ba laser, 'me e fokotsa nako ea ho theoha. Mona ke nyeoe ea 'nete ea ts'ebeliso ea TEYU S&A  fiber laser chiller CWFL-1000 ho pholisa mochine oa khatiso oa SLM 3D oa indasteri. Tobetsa video ho sheba ~
  • Tšebeliso ea Fiber Laser Chillers CWFL-1000 le CWFL-1500 ho 3D Laser Printing.
    Tšebeliso ea Fiber Laser Chillers CWFL-1000 le CWFL-1500 ho 3D Laser Printing.
    Khatiso ea 3D ka likarolo tsa tšepe tse nepahetseng haholo, tse tsejoang hape e le tlhahiso ea tlatsetso, e kenyelletsa ho theha likarolo tse rarahaneng le tse nepahetseng ka ho beha lisebelisoa. Mokhoa ona o nkoa e le oa bohlokoa haholo bakeng sa bokhoni ba oona ba ho hlahisa lijeometri tse rarahaneng tse nang le lintlha tse ntle, tse atisang ho sebelisoa liindastering tsa lifofane, tsa likoloi le tsa bongaka. A laser chiller e bohlokoa ts'ebetsong ena kaha e pholisa laser le optics, ho netefatsa ts'ebetso e tsitsitseng le ho thibela ho chesa haholo, ho ka senyang ho nepahala ha likarolo tse hatisitsoeng tsa 3D. The Fiber laser chillers CWFL-1000 le CWFL-1500 li ka sebelisoa ho pholisa likhatiso tsa 3D, ho fana ka taolo e nepahetseng ea mocheso, le ho hlahisa likarolo tsa tšepe tsa boleng bo holimo tse nang le botsitso bo ntlafalitsoeng le ho nepahala.Hlahisa matla a khatiso ea 3D ka TEYU S&A Fiber laser chillers. Shebella video hona joale 'me u nke merero ea hau ho e isa boemong bo latelang.
  • Industrial Chiller CW-5300 bakeng sa Cooling Metal 3D Printer le CNC Spindle Device
    Industrial Chiller CW-5300 bakeng sa Cooling Metal 3D Printer le CNC Spindle Device
    Tlhahisong ea maemo a holimo, ho boloka ts'ebetso e nepahetseng bakeng sa liprinta tsa tšepe tsa 3D le lisebelisoa tse ikemetseng tsa CNC spindle ho bohlokoa, kaha mechini ena e hlahisa mocheso o moholo o ka amang ts'ebetso ea bona le nako ea bophelo ea bona. CW-5300 chiller ea indasteri ke tharollo ea bohlokoa, e etselitsoeng ho qhala mocheso ka katleho le ho laola mocheso, ho netefatsa hore litsamaiso tsena tse tsoetseng pele li lula li pholile tlas'a khatello.Industrial Chiller CW-5300Ts'ebetso e khutsitseng e etsa hore e be e loketseng tikolohong e nang le mechini e mengata, ho fokotsa tšilafalo ea lerata le ho ntlafatsa boiketlo ba sebaka sa mosebetsi. Ka matla a ho pholisa a matla a 2400W le botsitso bo nepahetseng ba ± 0.5 ℃, e tlosa mocheso o feteletseng 'me e boloka mocheso o tsitsitse. Litaolo tsa eona tse bonolo ho basebelisi le likarolo tse matla tsa ts'ireletso li lumella hore ho be le litokiso tse nepahetseng tsa mocheso 'me li kenyelle lialamo tsa polokeho le li-feel-safes ho thibela mocheso o feteletseng. Ka ho potoloha pholileng ntle le moroallo, e sireletsa khahlanong le ho futhumala ho feteletseng, ho netefatsa ts'ebetso e tsitsitseng le e ts'eptjoang ea bohlokoa bakeng sa ho fihlela sephetho sa khatiso sa tšepe sa 3D se se nang sekoli le sephetho sa mochini oa CNC.
  • Fiber Laser E Fetoha Mohloli o ka Sehloohong oa Mocheso oa Printer ea 3D | TEYU S&A Chiller
    Fiber Laser E Fetoha Mohloli o ka Sehloohong oa Mocheso oa Printer ea 3D | TEYU S&A Chiller
    Li-laser tsa fiber tse bolokang litšenyehelo li fetohile mohloli o ka sehloohong oa mocheso khatisong ea tšepe ea 3D, e fanang ka melemo e kang ho kopanya ka mokhoa o se nang moeli, ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea phetoho ea electro-optical, le botsitso bo ntlafetseng. TEYU CWFL fiber laser chiller ke tharollo e phethahetseng ea ho pholisa bakeng sa likhatiso tsa tšepe tsa 3d, tse nang le matla a maholo a ho pholisa, taolo e nepahetseng ea mocheso, taolo e bohlale ea mocheso, lisebelisoa tse fapaneng tsa ts'ireletso ea alamo, ho boloka matla le ts'ireletso ea tikoloho.
  • Rokete ea Pele e Hatisitsoeng ea 3D Lefatšeng e Tsehiloe: Li-Chiller tsa Metsi tsa TEYU bakeng sa Likhatiso tse Pholisang tsa 3D
    Rokete ea Pele e Hatisitsoeng ea 3D Lefatšeng e Tsehiloe: Li-Chiller tsa Metsi tsa TEYU bakeng sa Likhatiso tse Pholisang tsa 3D
    Ha thekenoloji e ntse e tsoela pele, khatiso ea 3D e se e kene lebaleng la sefofane, e batlang litlhoko tse nepahetseng tsa tekheniki. Ntho ea bohlokoa e amang boleng ba theknoloji ea khatiso ea 3D ke taolo ea mocheso, 'me TEYU water chiller CW-7900 e netefatsa hore ho na le pholiso e nepahetseng bakeng sa bahatisi ba 3D ba lirokete tse hatisitsoeng.
  • TEYU Chiller Manufacturer | Lebela Moetlo oa Ntlafatso ea Bokamoso ea Khatiso ea 3D
    TEYU Chiller Manufacturer | Lebela Moetlo oa Ntlafatso ea Bokamoso ea Khatiso ea 3D
    Lilemong tse leshome tse tlang, khatiso ea 3D e tla fetola tlhahiso e ngata. Ha e sa tla hlola e lekanyetsoa ho lihlahisoa tse ikhethileng kapa tsa boleng bo phahameng, empa e tla akaretsa bophelo bohle ba sehlahisoa. R&D e tla potlakisa ho fihlela litlhoko tsa tlhahiso hantle, 'me metsoako e mecha ea thepa e tla lula e hlaha. Ka ho kopanya AI le ho ithuta ka mochini, khatiso ea 3D e tla thusa ho etsa boikemelo le ho tsamaisa tšebetso eohle. Theknoloji e tla khothaletsa botsitso ka ho fokotsa likhahla tsa khabone, tšebeliso ea matla, le litšila ka ho khantša le ho kenya sebaka, le ho fetela ho lisebelisoa tse thehiloeng ho limela. Ho feta moo, tlhahiso ea lehae le e ajoang e tla theha tharollo e ncha ea phepelo. Ha khatiso ea 3D e ntse e tsoela pele ho hola, e tla fetola maemo a tlhahiso ea bongata mme e be le karolo ea bohlokoa ho fihlelleng moruo o potolohang.TEYU Moetsi oa Chiller e tla tsoela pele le linako mme e tsoele pele ho nchafatsa tsa rona chiller ea metsi mela ho felisa litšitiso tse pholileng tsa khatiso ea 3D.
  • TEYU Fiber Laser Chiller CWFL-1000 E Matlafatsa Khatiso ea SLM 3D ho Aerospace
    TEYU Fiber Laser Chiller CWFL-1000 E Matlafatsa Khatiso ea SLM 3D ho Aerospace
    Har'a mahlale ana, Selective Laser Melting (SLM) e fetola tlhahiso ea likarolo tsa bohlokoa tsa sepakapaka ka ho nepahala le bokhoni ba eona ba meaho e rarahaneng. Li-fiber laser chiller li bapala karolo ea bohlokoa ts'ebetsong ena ka ho fana ka ts'ehetso ea bohlokoa ea taolo ea mocheso.
Re bolelle feela litlhoko tsa hau, re ka etsa ho fetang kamoo u ka nahanang.

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