Cosmetics is one of the most indispensable items in every woman’s bedroom. There are so many different brands of cosmetics in the market and sometimes it is very easy to get the fake one, which is pretty annoying. In order to prevent consumers from buying the counterfeit products, many cosmetics companies begin to put the anti-counterfeiting QR code on the product. Consumers just have to scan the QR code with their smart phone and know the authenticity of the cosmetics right away.
Since anti-counterfeiting QR code is so important, it can not fade away as time goes by. Therefore, the cosmetics companies introduce the CO2 laser marking machines to do the marking job. However, the CO2 laser tube inside is easy to get overheated without any cooling device to take away the heat, which will affect the marking result. Therefore, it is very important to add an external water chiller machine for the cooling.
S&A Teyu water chiller machine CW-6000 is applicable to cool the CO2 laser of the cosmetics laser marking machine and it is equipped with intelligent temperature controller which offers two different control modes - constant & intelligent control mode. Under intelligent control mode, the water temperature can adjust itself automatically according to the ambient temperature, which can help prevent the CO2 laser tube from overheating very effectively so that the authenticity of the cosmetics can be ensured.
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